Monday, April 6, 2015

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

Global Partnership for Education
I found this organization to be very interesting as it demonstrates partnerships among a variety of practices.  It is the ultimate community of practice.  The organization works in partnership with many to assist developing countries in developing educational programs to meet their priorities.  Global Partnership for Education assists in helping governments develop their educational plans as well as working with partners to assist with finding financial resources or grants. Part of the plan is to monitor and measure outcomes.  The efforts are completed in a collaborative effort with a team consisting of members of the countries’ government, the private sector and private foundations that support education efforts, community organizations, teacher organizations, and those working in the education field.  The goal of the organization is to provide access to education to all, to reach every child with a focus of reaching girls and children with disabilities, have child learn and master necessary skills, and to build an educational system that will support the future. 
A job that was posted through the website was with partnership with World Bank.  The position is Senior Country Education Specialist.   The Senior Country Education Specialists represent the Secretariat at Country Level. They are each in charge of a portfolio of countries where they promote the Partnership goals and facilitate its processes (Global Partnership for Education, 2015).  Duties include developing knowledge of the education sector in assigned countries to identify barriers and solutions for reaching international education goals.  To support governments in the development, implementation and monitoring of education sector plan.  Assist in leveraging international financial and technical support at country level.  Participating in thematic working groups in collaboration with the Strategic Policy and Performance team.  To contribute to thematic work related to the Strategic Goals and Objectives of the Global Partnership.  Develop and strengthen the Partnership’s operational modalities.  Qualifications include a Master’s degree in education, economics, international development or related field.  Eight years of relevant experience with a minimum of three years working in developing countries.  Expertise in one or more of the following areas: education planning, finance and management of education systems, teacher development, girls’ education, inclusive education, and other areas relevant to the work of the Global Partnership.  Ability to work both independently and effectively in teams.   Frequent travel requires.
For more information visit the website:
Global Partnership for Education. (2015). Job description, senior country specialist. Retrieve from:
Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)
I chose this organization because it views education and well-being of children whether they are in their home, school, or in the community as an inherent right.  The organization strives for quality programs and practices for children from infancy through early adolescence. To increase preparation standards for those involved with the care and development of children. To promote continuous professional growth of educators. They view each child as an individual with their own abilities, gifts, and talents.  They believe in equity for all children.  To be in an environment free of bias.  The organization’s website offers numerous resources and provides information for programs and events. Resources include topics on early childhood education, professional development, research, advocacy, and a variety of publications.   
I did not see any job postings.  However the organization offers internships and volunteer opportunities.  Requirements for interns are to be enrolled in a graduate program that focuses on global issues with a particular interest in children’s education.  The internship run eight to twelve weeks.  Interns must live in the Washington, D.C. area.  ACEI does not have a formal volunteer placement program.  Members participate with ACEI by selecting critical projects and initiatives that support the mission and support children's development and well-being. Volunteers are able to decide how and where to volunteer.   Many look to volunteer in their own communities.
For more information visit the website:

 Read more about the European Early Childhood Education Research Journal (EECERJ)
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal (EECERJ)
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal is an organization that promotes and distributes research on a variety of early childhood disciplines and its applications to policy and practice.  I chose this organization as it operates on the basis of great European theorists such as Vygotsky and Piaget.  I also chose this organization because I thought it was interesting that it run by voluntarily efforts and owned by its members.  It is administered under the protocols of a charity with Board of Trustees elected by an Electoral College.  EECERJ publishes the only European early childhood journal cited in the prestigious Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). The SSCI identifies scholarship from across 50 disciplines including 'education'. Only the world's leading social sciences journals are selected for inclusion in the index. The SSCI includes only four journals with an early years' focus, and of these four, only one is produced in Europe (EECERJ, 2015).  This organization sponsors conferences, allows for the opportunities to form a special interest group, offers membership and allows access to research journals and newsletters.  The organization has over 35 country coordinators that work to increase the national participation and activity of EECERA members in the Country Coordinator's country or region; raise the visibility, status and impact of the EECERA in each country; create an EECERA supported international network of EC researchers, practitioners and policy makers and to be an intermediary for local EC colleagues to EECERA and its journal (EECERJ, 2015). 
For more information visit the website:
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. (2015). Homepage. Retrieved from:


  1. Rhonda,
    I found it interesting that the EECERJ is run by voluntarily efforts and owned by its members. They seem to do alot of work with conferences and national parrticipation. I worked at a German automotive company for several years and my colleagues mentioned that education takes a more serious approach beginning with early childhood education. This week's blog assignment has enlightened me on international organizations that advocate for early learners. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Rhonda,

    Great Post! I am excited about what you posted simply because I was not aware of any of these organizations before. I cant believe how many persons in the world are concern about the education that our children receive, that's astounding!

    Another thing I found very good is that instead of stopping only at job opportunities you also made me aware that volunteering and training are available and are just as important!

    Great post!

  3. The job position you located under Global partnership for Education sounds like a challenging and vital position. I was a bit surprised it only asked for a Masters as qualification rather than Doctorate. I also feel it would be interesting to explore internships or contribute to a journal article. Thank you for introducing us to these organizations.

  4. Hi Rhonda

    Great insightful post! It is amazing the number of organizations which work to foster the well-being of children worldwide. It is rather interesting that the EECERJ is owned by its members and run by voluntary efforts. This simply means that there are persons who are willing to give their time, knowledge and expertise freely for the healthy development of our world's children.
    I was also intrigued that the ACEI offers intership and volunteer opportunities. This gives persons with a passion for the field an opportunity to not only render their knowledge, skills and services but also an opportunity to grow professionally. These are two organizations that I will definite be looking up. Thanks for sharing.
