It was hard to pick just three ideals from NAEYC's Code of Ethical Conduct. All of them are so important as a professional and to children and their families.
The three I picked are:
I1.2 -To base program practices upon current knowledge and research in the field of early childhood education, child development, and related disciplines, as well as on particular knowledge of each child.
I picked this ideal as developmentally appropriate practices is a passion of mine. It is important that educators are implementing curriculum, teaching methods and ideologies that are age appropriate for healthy development and learning. Each child develops at a different rate, it is important for educators to meet children where they are and scaffold their learning to the next level. This ensures each child's needs are being met and this promotes healthy growth and development.
I2.2-To develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships with the families we serve.
This is very important in creating home-school connections. It is important for parents and educators to work in collaboration in order to support children's growth and development. Having mutual respect will create the trust that is essential in establishing this collaboration.
I-4.2-To promote cooperation among professionals and agencies and interdisciplinary collaboration among professions concerned with addressing issues in the health, education, and well-being of young children, their families, and their early childhood educators.
It is important for healthy growth and development that children and families receive comprehensive services. Child development includes all domains of learning as well as all domains of the child. If a child has poor health, the child will have a harder time succeeding in school. If a child has difficulties with behavior or self regulation, learning will not occur. If a child has poor nutrition, that will have an impact on the overall health of the child, which in turn can have an impact on learning and development. Families that are in crisis and are able to have support during such crisis are better able to support their child's growth and development in a manner that can build resiliency instead of having a detrimental effect on the child. Healthy growth and development includes the whole child.